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Status: Operational (Visiting Traction)
Livery: BR Blue
Running Number: 56006
Built: 1976 Electroputere
Traction Type: Diesel-Electric
Equipment: Brush Traction
Power Unit: Ruston-Paxman 16RK3CT
Power Output: 3,250 HP
Max Speed: 80 MPH
Train Brakes: Air Only
Train Heating: None
Weight: 123 Tons
Length: 63' 6"
Height: 12' 9"
Width: 9' 2"
Designed by Brush Traction of Loughborough, 56006 was built at the Craiova works of Electroputere S.A in Romania due to insufficient workshop capacity for the build in Loughborough.

Although 56006 was offloaded at Harwich on 8th September 1976 such were the remedial works required it didn't actually enter traffic until the 25th February 1977. 56006 was the first 'Grid' to enter revenue earning service although 56001 to 56004 were accepted 3 days later.

56006 was allocated to Tinsley for many years along with most of the Romanian batch and could usually be found working from Knottingley, Healley Mills or Shirebrook which were all within easy reach of Tinsley or Doncaster. The class were later reallocated en masse to Toton where they were utilised on Nottinhamshire coal traffic.

January 1995 saw 56006 become part of the Loadhaul shadow freight company with distinctive black and orange livery. She became one of only six Romanian Grids to be named, receiving "Ferrybridge C Power Station" plates without ceremony at Immingham Depot, being the second locomotive to carry the name of the Aire valley power stations in West Yorkshire.

56006 was specially repainted into her original BR Blue livery at Old Oak Common in August 1999 and visited the East Lancs as part of the EWS Heritage Fleet for the special event in September, running alongside 31110, 37351, 37906, 47306, 73129 and 73133. 56006 and others from the EWS Heritage Pool went on to attend many other events following the successful ELR gathering.

Withdrawn from service on 1st December 2003, EWS offered the loco to the National Railway Museum at York, who declined. 006 managed to avoild the chop and stayed on at Barrow Hill Roundhouse following a visit and remained for almost eight years, instead of making a one way journey to the scrapyard. In November 2012 she was preserved by the Class 56 Group, with a secure future.

56006 moved to UKRL's Leicester Depot, where attention to years of neglect could be addressed and some serious bodywork repairs undertaken. 2015 saw 56006 visit the Swanage Diesel Gala with visits to Didcot, Weat Somerset, Nene Valley, East Lancs and Wensleydale Railways since.

56006 relocated to Bury in 2017, arriving on the 4th of July ahead of the Summer Diesel Gala, in convoy with 40145, 47192 and 47712. Sadly, the subsequent years have not been without problems, the notorious issues with the early batch coming back to haunt at the least convenient of times, but the group are undeterred and 006 is constantly being improved and further restored.

Class56 Group on Facebook

ELR Events

There are a wide range of events at the East Lancashire Railway ranging from Family and Education, Re-enactments, Sci-Fi, Transport and Collector's Fairs.

Selected events are shown below. See the ELR Website for the full event schedule including Family Events.

Event Date(s)
Legends of Steam Friday 14th to Sunday 16th March
Western Region Weekend
Mixed Traction featuring D9531, D7076, D832, 45108, 50015, W55001 plus Steam Locos 34081 92 Squadron and 34092 City of Wells
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th April
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 3rd to Monday 5th May
Summer Diesel Gala Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th July
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd August
Railway 200 Celebration Weekend Friday 12th to Sunday 14th September
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th October
Autumn Steam Gala Friday 17th to Sunday 19th October
DMU Gala Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th November

All events subject to availability
While every effort will be made to ensure events take place as advertised, rostered locos or units are available and running to the advertised timetable, the ELR reserves the right to cancel or terminate without prior notice.

ELR Website
Check out the ELR Website for the full event schedule.